What’s happening next week?
Date | Year Group | Event |
Mon 22nd – Fri 26 | S4-S6 | Our formal assessments for N5. H and AH continue this week |
Thurs 25-Fri 26th | Small group of S1 | A small group of S1 will be attending an educational visit to No10 Downing Street with the Prime Minister’s wife. |
Our website has all the dates for the school year (as currently planned), click here to see them – https://www.kelsohighschool.org.uk/calendar/
Use of Mobile Phones within KHS – ‘Off & Out of Sight’
As we reflect on the use of mobile phones within Kelso High School, we have updated our mobile phone policy. The full policy can be located on our website and within our Handbook. It is important that we embrace, encourage, and support our learners to use their iPads correctly and appropriately during lessons. There is no place for mobile phones within the classroom.
Having a mobile phone in school is not a requirement or necessary. Any learner can ask the school to contact home during the school day if required and learners will be supported to do this by any member of staff.
In Kelso High School mobile phones should remain “Off and Out of Sight” to allow learners to focus on their learning and maintain a positive learning environment. Learners may still have access to their mobiles during morning interval and lunchtime.
Inappropriate Use of Mobile Phones During Lessons
- Learners who use mobile phones inappropriately will be given one chance to make the right choice about putting their phone “Off and Out of Sight”.
- If inappropriate use of a mobile phone continues, the learner will be asked to place their phone on the teacher’s desk (or equivalent for certain subjects) and the mobile phone will be returned at the end of the lesson. A demerit will be recorded and shared with home on a weekly basis.
- Contact with home and agree to keep mobile phone at home for the remainder of the week and potentially longer in certain circumstances.
Kelso High School Stepped Interventions
This week saw the launch of our revised Behaviour Management procedures – Kelso High School Stepped Interventions. S1-S3 learners have attended assemblies led by our Headteacher, Mrs Lothian, where the revised procedures were shared and there was the opportunity to have any questions answered. Over the past few weeks learner and staff consultations have taken place and valuable insight and feedback from learners and staff has been incorporated into the final policy and accompanying summaries.
Immunisation Forms
The NHS immunisation team will be in school on two dates for upcoming vaccines. Forms have been issued this week to everyone requiring them. Please ensure forms are handed back to the school office as soon as possible.
DTP/MenACWY vaccine – 28th February. For all S3 pupils plus some in S4, S5 and S6 who have missed previous years.
HPV vaccine – 28th March. For all S1 pupils plus some S2 pupils who missed it last year.
S3 Social Enterprise
Last term, the S3 Business and IT classes brought their learning to life by undertaking the challenge of setting up and running their own social enterprise. They had been learning about this type of business and how it was run, and then had to come up with heir own business idea with the two main aims of creating profit, and at the same time, helping a social cause. In groups they looked at different aspects of business including marketing, production and finance. The array of ideas, hard work and commitment put into this work was extremely impressive. Please see below an extract of some of the pupils reflections on their learning.
We started a fundraiser to donate to trees. How we did this was we started making coasters, and decorations for money to donate. We sold our stuff at the Christmas market and made over £40! We sold coasters for £2.50, table decorations for £2.50-£3.00, hanging decorations for £1.50 and lastly plain coasters for £1. All the money we made selling our designs went to a new tree being able to grow into our world.
Frankie Rowlands, S3
Our Social Enterprise
For our social enterprise we ran a football tournament in aid of the charity quarriers. It went very well with nearly 50 students participating and £103.25 raised.
Charlie Carruthers, S3
For Jacob’s and mine social enterprise we cut slate and wood coaster/placemats that we engraved and laser cut in the design of a stags head with the help of Mrs Poole. We later sold them at the Christmas fair where we raised £111.50 which we donated £100 to cash for kids and £11.50 for material costs.
Sam Nowakowski, S3
A huge well done to all the pupils involved, they all displayed out values of respect, inclusion and determination throughout the whole project. Thanks also go to the staff and parents of Kelso High School who supported the project along with Social Enterprise Academy who organised a workshop with a social entrepreneur to help better their understanding. We look forward to issuing certificates at our next S3 Assembly to recognise the young people’s achievements.
Please enjoy some pictures of the project including, team shots and successful products and services sold.

All absences must be reported to the school office every day by 9am. This can be done by Xpressions app, email to kelsohs@scotborders.gov.uk or telephone 01573 227440.
Car Park
A reminder to all parents/carers that the car park is for staff and visitors use only. Parents should not be entering the school grounds with their car unless they are coming in to the school for an appointment. If you are dropping off or picking up your young person, this should be done out in the layby outside of the school grounds. This keeps everyone safe in the car park and minimises the amount of traffic within the grounds.
Kelso Food Bank
The S3 events class are very committed to collecting donations for the Kelso Food Bank which is run by Kelso churches together. The cost of living crisis has meant that many families are struggling and need this service. Every little helps so even one tin or packet of non perishable food would be a great help!
The Events class can collect from classrooms on a Wednesday pm so would really appreciate it if you could bring it in on Wednesday Registration.
Kelso Active Schools – Volunteering
Could you lend a hand and help Kelso High School children get more active, more often this year?
The fundamental aim of Active Schools is to encourage all our children to be active, find something that they love doing and hopefully ignite a passion that leads to them being active all their lives. However, in order to do this, we rely on volunteers to bring it life. We have some hugely dedicated people within our schools and the Kelso community.
However moving forward, we could do with some more people to help offer our youngsters as many opportunities as possible and I wondered if there were any parents, family or wider community members who could help us make it happen? Experience in sport and physical activity delivery is not essential as full support and guidance will be provided and it doesn’t have to be a long-standing commitment either! Whatever you could spare, we’d love to hear from you – it could be 30 minutes a week for 4 weeks or something more regular.
If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, please click the following link to register your interest and I will be touch with you directly to explore things further. Please feel free to share this form with others: https://form.jotform.com/240102573461345
S1/S2 Basketball
Basketball restarts on Monday 22nd January. Please see attached for more information.

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