Weekly Update 14/06/2024

What’s happening next week?

DateYear GroupEvent
Tuesday 18th to Thursday 20th JuneP7P7 Transition Days
Wednesday 19th JuneHockey PlayerKHS Hockey Presentations
Thursday 20th JuneP7 ParentsP7 Parents Information Evening
Friday 21st JuneS6 LeaversProm

Our website has all the dates for the school year (as currently planned), click here to see them – https://www.kelsohighschool.org.uk/calendar/

S6 Leavers Evening

We were delighted to welcome back our S6 Leavers and families this week for their last school event.  It was an evening of celebration with some mixed emotions.  We took the time to congratulate individuals and share their planned destination for the immediate future. (Programme attached)

 As a school, we wish them every success and ask that they keep in touch.

KHS Mini Volunteering Fair

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Stephanie Logan (Volunteering Development Lead, Borders Community Action) for organising this event.  Ten local organisations gave up time to meet with our young people and promote the benefits of volunteering and provide some possible opportunities.  If any young people are currently volunteering or would like to please direct them to their Pastoral teacher and get signed up the Saltire Awards.

More information can be found within the attached powerpoint.

P7 Parents’ Evening

We would like to extend an invite to attend our Parent/Carer Information Session on Thursday 20th June.  This will take place within the school from 6.30 until approximately 8pm.  The evening will provide an opportunity to meet the Senior Leadership Team, Pastoral Staff and Pastoral Support Assistants. There will also be presentations on the Parent Council and Family Learning opportunities as well as a guided tour of the school. A uniform sample rail will be on display so that you can view our jumpers.

‘Your Results’ – learner booklet

Ahead of SQA Results Day on Tuesday 6 August, they have produced a new learner booklet called ‘Your Results’. The booklet contains information on all the support available to learners as they receive their results and consider next steps. It includes: an overview of what to expect when receiving their results; details around certificates; frequently asked questions; how exams are marked; appeals information and more. A hard copy will be provided along with the certificates, attached is an electronic copy.

As a school, we offer face-to-face support with key staff being available in school on the 6th August.

Canteen Menu

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