Weekly Update 07/06/2024

What’s happening next week?

DateYear GroupEvent
Tuesday 11th JuneS3Army Experience Part 2
Tuesday 11th JuneS4-S6Mini Volunteering Fair
Tuesday 11th JuneParentsParent Council Meeting – In person
Wednesday 12th JuneFormer S6 & ParentsS6 Leavers Evening
Thursday 13th JuneParents & Wider CommunityOpen Afternoon
2.30-4pm and 5pm-6pm

Our website has all the dates for the school year (as currently planned), click here to see them – https://www.kelsohighschool.org.uk/calendar/

Celebration of Learning Awards – BGE

What an absolutely brilliant afternoon! Wednesday afternoon saw us gather in the Assembly Hall to celebrate one of the absolute highlights of the KHS Calendar – our annual BGE (S1-S3) Celebration of Learning event.  Certificates were awarded to learners from S1, S2 and S3 to recognise both academic achievement and PRIDE (demonstration of our school values of Participation, Respect, Included, Determination and Excellence) – across all curricular areas. This year, for the very first time, certificates were also awarded to our KHS Neurodiversity Champions from S1 and S2. Wednesday afternoon also saw the announcement of our prize winners for the 2024 Kelso Laddie Poetry Competition – Winner – Jade Sinclair in S1 – and Runner-Up – Skye Ayton in S1.

Please enjoy some photos from the event. Congratulations to all learners – and their families – who were recognised during this event. We really are a very proud school! More photos from the event can be found on our KHS Facebook page. #pridekhs

Thank You Mrs Wilson!

We are a very lucky school to have staff who constantly go above and beyond to ensure the best possible experiences and opportunities for our learners. Wednesday afternoon saw us host our annual BGE (S1-S3) Celebration of Learning. This event couldn’t have happened, however, without the hard work and efforts of Mrs Wilson in our school office who went above and beyond in organising the event and collating both nominations and certificates. A huge thank you to Ashley! #pridekhs

KHS Mini Volunteering Fair – 11th June 1.15 pm-3pm

We are delighted to be holding a mini fair to allow local charities and groups to meet with our Senior learners.  Volunteering provides our young people with an opportunity to develop many skills while also gaining Saltire Awards.  This fair will allow our young people to speak directly to organisations and hopefully some of our young people will sign up!

S6 Leavers Evening – 12th June 2024

We are looking forward to welcoming back our S6 leavers and family for their final in-school event.  This evening is a lovely opportunity to officially pass on our best wishes for the future to all our S6 leavers.

Invite to attend our Open Afternoon – 13th June 2024

To showcase our successes from across the school from this year, we would like you invite you to pop into school during our Open School session.  This will also provide us with the opportunity to seek feedback on our school improvement priorities and discuss draft plans for the new session – 13th June between 2.30pm-4pm and again from 5pm-6.30pm. 

Thank You Kelso Travel

This week Project Life students visited Kelso Travel to allow our young people to understand more about what a career in travel and business entails. Thank you so much to their manager Kirsty for taking the time out of her busy day to help! #pridekhs

KHS Parent Council

The final meeting of the KHS Parent Council this session will be held in person at KHS on Tuesday 11th June 2024 at 7.00pm – all welcome!

If you would like to raise any particular queries please do so at the meeting or if you are unable to attend please submit the details by email to pckelsohighschool@scottishborders.npfs.org.uk.  Queries can be submitted anonymously if required.

We look forward to seeing you all there!

Canteen Menu

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