Pupil Support
Our role is to ensure all students are able to access high quality teaching and learning within a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum in order that they reach their full potential, at the same time as developing their self-confidence and self-esteem.

The department has excellent, flexible accommodation including quiet areas and a kitchen.
The Support for Learning Department offers support to students not only through small group teaching within the department, but also through the provision of support to students in whole school classes. In addition, the Support for Learning Department offers a consultancy service to whole school colleagues, plus advises on and assists with curriculum and resource development.
The Pupil Support Faculty Aims:
- Wherever possible, and taking into account individual need, to ensure students identified as having learning difficulties share the whole school experience alongside their peers and within the normal curriculum.
- Wherever possible, and taking into account individual need, to ensure students identified as having learning difficulties share the whole school experience alongside their peers and within the normal curriculum.