Physical Education & Home Economics
The Physical Education and Home Economics departments offer learners the opportunity to develop practical skills and knowledge that allows for healthy lifestyle throughout their time at Kelso High School and beyond.

Physical Education provides a broad range of experiences in the BGE (S1-S3) making use of the superb facilities on site. A focus on developing not only Physical Competencies and Fitness, but also Personal Qualities and Cognitive Skills provides a holistic focus. This leads to SQA course options that all pupils can access at the appropriate level through the Senior Phase (S4-S6).
Home Economics in the BGE (S1-S3) uses engaging practical cooking experiences that encourage a diverse and healthy diet. The HE Team develop pupils’ knowledge of food technology and health & safety in the kitchen. This develops into the Senior Phase (S4 – S6) where pupils can study a range of SQA courses at the appropriate level and continue with valuable health & wellbeing inputs, including Survival Cookery for beyond school.
The PE and Home Economics Aims:
- To inspire learners and give them a wide knowledge of what makes us able-bodied.
- To develop the skills which allow learners to be able to create a healthy lifestyle for themselves.
- To prepare learners for the workplace and develop their knowledge of possible career pathways and possibilities for further study.
- To ensure that pupils feel safe and included in the department through positive working relationships and an ethos that reflects that of the school.