Our vision is to give all our pupils confidence in using Mathematical, Computing and CDT skills to face the challenges of the 21st century. We aim to deliver a curriculum rich in challenge and excitement. We like to introduce pupils to a range of experiences such as practical craft skills and design concepts.

Our courses in S1 – S3 are based on the Principles of Curriculum for Excellence focusing on levels 2 – 4 outcomes and experiences with application, breadth, challenge and depth as appropriate to each individual pupils’ needs. We offer many exciting opportunities to transfer learning, collaborating with other departments, such as Home Economics, Modern Languages and PE, on inter disciplinary projects. We are committed to the Health and Wellbeing and Literacy outcomes and experiences, which are integrated in to our courses.
In the junior phase we offer Craft, Design and Technology.
In the senior phase we offer certificate subjects in Woodworking, Design & Manufacture, Graphic Communication and Practical Electronics.
The Maths, Computing & CDT Faculty Aims:
- Offering a range of courses appropriate to the needs of each individual pupil.
- Employing a variety of stimulating approaches to teaching and learning.
- Making Maths fun.
- Maintaining a welcoming, supportive and challenging environment.
- Encouraging pupils to reach their full potential.
- We aim to prepare pupils for life after school by developing their confidence, independent thinking and an ability to work with others.
- We aim to develop pupils’ skills, knowledge and understanding within our subjects and apply these skills to practical tasks.
- We aim to offer courses which challenges and motivates all pupils to aspire to be the best they can.