Weekly Update 21/06/2024

What’s happening next week?

DateYear GroupEvent
Monday 24th JuneVarietyKHS Golf Competition
Wednesday 26th JuneS2-S4House Assembly Celebrations
Friday 28th JuneAllLast Day of Term

Our website has all the dates for the school year (as currently planned), click here to see them – https://www.kelsohighschool.org.uk/calendar/

New KHS Uniform

We have been working closely with our uniform supplier FP Uniformz to extend our range of uniform on offer, and after consultation with our pupils on what they would like to see added, we are delighted to now add a ¼ zip top.

This is available to purchase now from FP Uniformz through the link below. The ¼ zip top costs £20 and can come embroidered with our KHS logo or plain, with sizes starting from 32”.


Kelso High School Dress Code Guide 2024-2025

We have created a guide to ensure all parents and carers can access information on our dress code items and where to find them.  This guide has been co-created as part of a consultation that gathered learner, parent/carer and staff views during May 2024.  Please find attached the full guide.

Our Dress Code:

  • White shirt
  • School Tie (optional)
  • Black V-neck or sweatshirt (embroidered school badge optional)
  • Black ¼ zip cotton top (embroidered school badge optional)
  • Black School trousers
  • Black Skirt
  • Black Jeans (no fading, rips or distressed detail)
  • Smart Black Shorts
  • Predominantly black footwear

Items that would not meet our school dress code:

  • Hoodies (except for PE)
  • Leggings (except for PE)
  • Ripped, distressed or blue jeans

P7 Visit

A huge thank you to all staff for supporting our P7s during their three-day visit this past week.  The feedback from P7 learners and parents has been very positive and we are looking forward to welcoming them all back in August.

Special mention to Mr Angus, Miss Roden, Mr Connell and Mrs Dyer.

National Thank a Teacher Day

A chance for parents/carers and learners to celebrate the hard work and efforts of teachers and support staff.

If you would like to thank a member of staff at KHS for going above and beyond and for supporting your child to achieve of their best both within and/or outwith the classroom, please email KelsoHS@scotborders.gov.uk and we will ensure that your message is passed onto the relevant member of staff. #pridekhs

Chemistry at Work

Six of our new S2 pupils recently took part in a Chemistry at Work event in the Chemistry Department at Glasgow University.  The event highlighted that a chemistry degree opens up many career opportunities, not just careers in a laboratory.  The pupils really enjoyed hearing from two young people who are about to graduate with degrees in chemistry, and are going onto work for the Civil Service and in Science Journalism. The pupils then spent some time carrying out experiments in one of the laboratories. Thanks to Mrs Robertson and John MacLeod, our youth worker, for accompanying the pupils. Thanks also to the Royal Society of Chemistry and Glasgow University for organising the event.

History of Atomic Structure Project

Kenny Thomas, 3K, has recently completed an amazing history of atomic structure project which is now on display in the science corridor. The project outlines the development of theories about the structure of an atom, from the time of the Greek Philosophers right up to modern day discoveries in particle accelerators. Kenny has spent a lot of hours putting his knowledge onto paper, including many lunchtimes. Well done.

Lost Property

We have a large selection of lost property held in the school office that has no names written on them. If you recognise anything from the photos below, please come to the school office to reclaim it ASAP. Anything not claimed after next Friday will be sent to a local charity shop.

Canteen Menu

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