Weekly Update 31/05/2024

What’s happening next week?

DateYear GroupEvent
Monday 3rd JuneFormer S1-S3Celebration of Learning Awards
Thursday 6th JuneS2S2 Inspire Day
Thursday 6th JuneS6S6 Head Team Interviews
Friday 7th JuneS5 & S6S5/S6 Inspire Day

Our website has all the dates for the school year (as currently planned), click here to see them – https://www.kelsohighschool.org.uk/calendar/


We have seen a significant decrease is parents letting us know about any absences. This is a reminder that all absences must be reported to the school office only by 9.15am otherwise a Groupcall alert will be sent. Please ensure pupils arrive to school in time before registration. Any lates or no contact from the parents will be recorded and followed up with the Pastoral team.

Celebration of Learning Awards – BGE

On Monday 3rd June, we are delighted to be holding our Celebration of Learning awards for our BGE pupils (former S1-S3). This is an in-school event for pupils only and we are looking forward to celebrating their successes with them. Emails were sent to both pupils and parents of award winners earlier this week. We will share plenty photographs etc. about the event on social media and on our website, so keep your eyes peeled! In the meantime, please see the programme below detailing all our award winners –

New S6 Induction

Our S6 Induction Day took place on Monday 27th May.  A plethora of events and activities was the order of the day – provided by staff from across the school and partner agencies. From character building and considering how they can contribute to our KHS school values, to budgeting for their committee work, to the After Eight challenge, to child protection training, our year group bonded well with new friendships formed. They also received this year’s choice of jumper.  We wish our S6 cohort well for session 2024-2025.

Invite to attend our Open Afternoon – 13th June 2024

To showcase our successes from across the school from this year, we would like you invite you to pop into school during our Open School session on 13th June between 2.30pm-4pm and again from 5pm-6.30pm.

S6 Leavers Evening – 12th June 2024

If you haven’t done so already, please ensure you have emailed kelsohs@scotborders.gov.uk to reserve a maximum of 2 guest places per pupil for the upcoming S6 Leavers Evening. The deadline for responses is Monday 3rd June.

Borders College – Schools Academy 2024-2025

Again, this session our Schools Academy courses are being delivered by Borders College across their various sites.  These will take place on a Friday and all courses will begin at 10am until 2.30pm.

As with all Further and Higher Education, their new term does not begin until Friday 23rd August 24.  However, to support the learners across the nine secondary schools, Borders College have organised an induction day on Friday 21st June where all young people will be expected to attend.  Transport arrangements are still being finalised however we will ensure that our learners arrive at their relevant campus for a 10am start and will leave again at 2.30pm. A reminder, as per the letter handed out to college students in March 2024, during our course choice process, all learners will be returned to Kelso High School. Pupils are expected to make their own onward travel arrangements to home on Fridays.

We have agreed that for the next three Fridays (31st/ 7th / 14th) our learners can remain at home.  This time can be used to consolidate work from their other subjects via their ipads.

S4 Borders College Induction

S4s who will be going to college as a subject choice have been preparing for their courses. Borders College staff came to let students know what to expect. A kitchen session then followed, completing a ready, steady, cook challenge. Well done to all for such fun and interesting recipes! A huge thank you to Miss Roden for organising and to Miss Roden, Mr Angus and Mr Connell for tasting their culinary creations.

New S3 Trip to The Hirsel

We are a very proud school. Yesterday over ninety of our new S3 cohort visited The Hirsel Estate at Coldstream. Yesterday’s event was organised and funded by The Royal Highland Educational Trust (RHET) – a charitable organisation that supports schools to educate learners on food, farming and the countryside.

At our pre-trip assembly, learners had been tasked with discussing and agreeing how they could demonstrate our school values of PRIDE during the duration of the trip – and they certainly did! Over the course of the day, our learners participated enthusiastically in a series of workshops: baking bread; planting trees; learning about farming; developing their understanding of the River Tweed and its salmon and trout; learning about gamekeeping and cattle – and one of the highlights of the day for many – petting a pedigree Highland cow.

Our grateful thanks to RHET for organising the day and to their many volunteers who gave up their time yesterday to allow our learners this fantastic experience. Thank you too to Robertsons of Duns for ensuring our journey ran smoothly. As always a huge thank you to school staff for organising and supporting the day as it could not have happened without your hard work and efforts – Miss Cowe, Mrs Douglas, Mrs Wilson, Sam, Natasha, Lyndsay, Laura, John, Miss Roden and Mr Angus. Please enjoy some photos from yesterday’s trip. We make no apologies for the many photos of Catriona the Highland cow – she was the highlight of the trip for many! If you would like to see even more photos from yesterday’s trip, please visit our KHS Facebook page. #pridekhs

Parent Council – Update

The next, and final meeting of the year will be held in person at KHS.

The original date for this meeting was Thursday 20th June however due to a clash this is being rescheduled.  New date will be confirmed in due course.

Lottery Draw – May 2024

The numbers drawn were 10, 11, and 18.

Unfortunately there were no winners this month so the money will roll over onto next month. 

The next draw will take place at the end of June with a prize fund of approximately £690!!

To be in with a chance to win please complete this form to join the lottery – https://forms.office.com/e/BdA82Hh9sH

Good Luck!!

Parent/Carer Voice Survey 2024

SDS produces an annual survey to gather feedback from parent/carers. Have you engaged with your secondary school’s Skills Development Scotland (SDS) Careers Adviser in academic year 2023/24? If yes, we would like to find out about your awareness of and use of our services and how you talk to your young person about careers through the completion of a 10-minute survey.

Parent Voice Survey 2023-24 link

Your feedback will help us to understand your needs as parents and carers, and how we can improve our services. The survey will be open until the 31st May 2024.

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