It has been another very busy week with online learning continuing, staff have shared with me some examples of excellent work that is being produced by our young people. As we approach the summer holidays it will be our final full week of learning with term ending on Tuesday 30th June. Our teachers continue to be available for help and support until the end of term via Teams and email. We would hope that all our young people will make every effort to complete all their assigned home learning activities prior our return to school from 11th August.
Plans for August
SBC are managing the overarching education recovery plans and all initial communications to parents will come from SBC centrally via Groupcall and via their website.
As a school, we will provide local details on specific arrangements as and when the local authority plans have been finalised.
Please be assured that both the Council and KHS are absolutely committed to ensuring that all parents have the necessary information well in advance of school returning on 11th August.
Kelso School Hub
From Monday until the end of term the current Kelso School Hub that has been set up to support key workers and identified families will be moving location and will be based within Kelso High School. Staffing and procedures will remain the same.
During the summer holidays, the High School, will host the Summer Hub and communication regarding this should have been set out via SBC.
S6 Leavers
During last week, our S6 leavers returned to school to complete relevant paperwork, return iPads/textbooks and meet up with our Pastoral staff. Although we are still upset that we would have been involved in many celebrations over the past few weeks to mark the end of their school years it was still lovely to see them in person. We wish them all the best and hopefully look forward to some sort of event later this year.
S4/5 Leavers
For those young people who intend to leave Kelso High School, please check emails for a time slot to return to KHS next week to return their iPads etc.
S6 Uniform
The decision has been made to go ahead as planned with the S6 uniform that was chosen by the pupils – grey jumper/cardigan. However, it has been decided that this year it will be optional. S6 pupils will not be forced to wear this and they can opt to keep wearing the black jumper/cardigan if preferred.
We already received a small amount of order forms prior to school finishing in March. Therefore could all those who have not placed an order, please do so before Friday 26th June so that the orders can be sent to FP Uniformz.
Orders can be placed either by the order forms given previously (also attached below) or by emailing KelsoHS@scotborders.gov.uk
Payment can be made by cash or cheque and this can be handed in to the School Office, or if you would rather not attend in person then this can also be posted.
School Uniform
With our change of uniform provider, we worked in partnership to select a new design that incorporated our updated logo and our school values. This has now resulted in our new jumpers, ties, school website, stationery, hoodies used during trips etc. so they are all the same.
In line with local and national guidelines, as a school we are being asked to work towards reducing the costs for families across all aspects of school life. Therefore the decision has been made to phase in these new changes and our current jumpers, ties or any plain black jumper will be acceptable from August 2020.
Due to discussions across Scotland with regards to uniform, the nine secondary schools within SBC will be asking our young people to wear school uniform when they are at school.
Any questions or queries then please use our school email address.
Parent Council Meeting
On Tuesday 16th, we held our first virtual Parent Council Meeting via Zoom. It was lovely to welcome some new faces and had the opportunity to discuss key issues and take part in a Q & A session. We will ensure that the minutes of this meeting are shared with all parents next week,
To ensure we provide as much information to parents as possible we have agreed to hold our next meeting during the summer holidays – Tuesday 4tH August. Please look out for joining details nearer the time.
The Social Enterprise in Education Award
We were delighted to have been part of the above awards this week online. The awards involved our your young people along with over 50 other schools and individual young people from across Scotland and celebrated their amazing social enterprise and community activities. Please use the links below to find out more. Well done again to our S3 group and Mrs Fisher for her going support.
Link 1 – video message from John Swinney
Link 2 – video message from SEA Tutor, Jay
Link 3 – the virtual awards room where our awards certificate, short resume of our project, and both of the above.