Parent Council

Parent Council Overview

The role of the Parent Council is to:

  • support the school in its work with pupils
  • represent the views of all parents
  • encourage links between the school, parents, pupils, pre-school groups and the wider community
  • report back to all the parents in the school (called the Parent Forum)
  • play a role in the appointment of headteachers and depute headteachers
  • support the school and pupils during school inspections.

Click here to visit the Education Scotland Parent Zone

You can email the Parent Council mailbox on

There is a Facebook group that parents can join to keep up-to-date with the Parent Council:

Parent Council Next Meeting

The next meeting of the KHS Parent Council will be held after we return from our summer holidays, date TBC.

If you are would like to contact our Parent Council please submit the details by email to

We look forward to seeing you all after the summer holidays!    

Parent Council Minutes

Three Number Lottery

The Parent Council, since its inception, has worked hard to support the School in a number of ways. One of these has been to raise funds to support the wide variety of activities which the pupils enjoy. With the credit crunch and funding crisis in local government we see this role as one of extreme importance. Following considerable research and discussion we decided to launch a 3 Number Lottery.

This is currently the major fundraiser among our parents each year. It is not a requirement that you have a child attending Kelso High School, merely an interest in helping the School, to participate.

Half of the donations are awarded as prizes. We guarantee that any profits generated are spent in support of the pupils and activities for them. The School is fully accountable to the Parent Council for the ways the money is spent.

The 3 number lottery draw takes place on the last Tuesday of each month. If the numbers drawn are not matched, the prize fund rolls over to the next month. If the prize fund exceeds £1,000 the draw is repeated until it is won and a further draw carried out for the excess.

If you would like to take part, all you have to do is complete the online form here or scan the QR code below. A monthly donation of, for example, £5 will give you 5 entries in each month’s draw. You can pay the £5 monthly, £15 quarterly or £60 annually – whichever suits you best. 

On receipt of the online form, an acknowledgement confirming your entry details along with a copy of the rules will be forwarded to you by email

Three Number Lottery - Recent Draw

Lottery Draw – June 2024

The numbers drawn were 4, 5 and 18.

Unfortunately there were no winners this month so the money will roll over onto next month. 

The next draw will take place at the end of July with a prize fund of approximately £830!!

To be in with a chance to win please fill out the online form here – Good Luck!!

KHS Easy Fundraising

If you do any shopping online, please take a look at the Kelso High School Parent Council Easy Funding page. Once you have registered with this site, if when you are going to make an online purchase, you log in to Easyfundraising before you commence your transaction, your purchase will generate a donation from the retailer to the Parent Council.

It genuinely does not cost you anything. The 57 parents who are currently registered have collectively earned £820.80 for the School. The majority of their donations are for less than 10p each so while the amount an individual purchase will earn may seem insignificant it is the quantity of these transactions that counts.

There is real potential here to earn a substantial sum to support Kelso High School . Please help us to take full advantage of this scheme as, let’s face it, it is not often that we are offered money for nothing!

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